Top Creative Website Designer & Developer In Jaisalmer

Top Creative Website Designer & Developer in Jaisalmer

We are a small business Web Design Company in Jaisalmer aiming to create just the right website for each client. We not only think about you but also about your customers.

We've been in business for ten years, and our clients know they can trust us for quality output and excellent support. Your aims are important to us, and we work with you to create the classic design for every need.

Parallax Creative Website Design Jaisalmer

Parallax is a Greek word which means “alteration”. In web designing, its theory was derived from the effects created by 2D video games. These games had a vision of depth as a result of the background image’s different movement speeds. So once gamers play, they see a background that looks really far away. The phenomenon of parallax scrolling website design is raising fame over the internet, bringing the user experience to a new interactive level of online viewing. With web designers and developers perpetually investigating new ways to make their web presence a lot appealing to their sites visitors through interactive visuals and practicality, parallax scrolling has taken hold as the new door of user experience.

FAQ of Website Design & Development

1How many ways are there to implement Parallax?
Parallax can be implemented in various ways: 1. Raster parallax 2. Repeat Pattern 3. Layered Parallax 4. Sprite Method
2Are parallax websites really usable?
You can have parallax scrolling on your website if it is a personal website of who you are and how your users can contact you. However, problems arise when parallax is used, or misused, on websites that are actually created to give information or to sell something. If parallax is used on a blog or a business organization site, it may lead to some confusion.